Why Don’t We Take Depression Seriously?


Many people have been depressed for years and are unaware of it. Everyone has autumn melancholy, bad days, self-doubt, but depression is not just a bad mood.

In modern society, this is one of the most common mental disorders, in the worst cases ending in premature death. According to recent WHO estimates, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In this article, we’ll let you know why people ignore this serious issue.

Why Depression Needs To Be Taken Seriously?

Feeling of sadness, loss of interest in everyday activities, loss of appetite, lack of sleep, and poor concentration are just some signs of depression, a common mental disorder that affects a person’s ability to function and cope with everyday routine. In its most severe form, depression can lead to suicide, like in the case of Pratyusha Banerjee.

However, depression can be diagnosed and treated with therapy and/or medication before it leads to complications. The problem lies in acknowledging its existence and seeking help at the right time.

Depression statistics worldwide and in India

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Depression is more common than one would assume it to be. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates, over 350 million people worldwide are afflicted with depression. It is a major contributor to the global disease index. WHO states that depression currently ranks as the fourth leading cause of global disability, and would reach the second position by 2030.[/box]

Depression can affect anyone, irrespective of age, gender or marital or socio-economic status, though its occurrence increases as people age and women seem to be at a higher risk than men.

The Indian situation doesn’t look any better. A 2011 study titled ‘Cross-national epidemiology of DSM-IV major depressive episode’, published in the BMC Medicine journal showed that the rate of major depression (or major depressive episodes (MDE)) was highest in India at 36 per cent. The study was conducted through interviews with 89,000 people across the globe.

Read: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Everything You should Know

Depression and suicide

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]The intense feeling of hopelessness and despair that is characteristic of depression increases the risk of suicide.[/box]

To a depressed person, suicide looks like the only way to escape the situation. Suicidal thoughts and talks are in fact a warning sign that a person is seriously depressed. The statistics on suicides in India as provided by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) are dismal, considering that these figures can be low if depression is taken seriously in the early stages and treated.

The 2019 NCRB report on Accidental deaths and suicides in India showed that:

  • 16.5 suicides per 100,000 people in India in 2019.
  • The male to female ratio of suicides was 67:33 but the proportion of boys’ to girls’ suicides went up from previous years.
  • The major causes of suicides in the country were family problems (24 per cent) and illness (19.6 per cent), accounting for 43.6 per cent of all suicides in 2019.
  • Economic and social problems were the main reasons for male suicides while personal and emotional issues led to female suicides.

The figures look even more alarming when pitched against a clock:

  • According to WHO, 8,00,000  people die due to suicide which means 1 suicide occurred every 40 Seconds in 2019
  • 248 men committed suicide every day
  • 121 women committed suicides every day
  • 89 suicides occurred each day due to family issues
  • 5 suicides per day due to poverty and 6 due to dowry dispute
  • 7 suicides per day due to failure in examination
  • 7 suicides a day due to bankruptcy
  • 6 suicides a day due to unemployment

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