Ministry’s COVID-19 Advisory For Senior Citizens & Care Givers


No one is invincible when it comes to COVID-19, but this infection is relatively riskier for certain groups of people – pregnant women, people with pre-existing medical conditions, and people who are 60 years of age & above. The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MSJE) has issued an COVID-19 advisory of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ for senior citizens and their caregivers. This COVID-19 Advisory for senior citizens is crucial to keep them safe and healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak.

COVID-19 Advisory – Who is it for?

This advisory has been issued for those who are 60 years of age or older, especially the ones with any of these medical conditions; and their care-givers –

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Neurological condition, like Stroke or Parkinson’s Disease
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Chronic Liver Disease, like Viral Hepatitis or Alcoholic
  • Chronic Heart Disease, like Heart Failure
  • Chronic & Long-term Respiratory Disease, like COPD, Asthma, Interstitial Lung Disease, Post Tuberculosis Sequelae, or Bronchiectasis.  

People with any of these pre-existing medical issues are the most at risk from COVID-19, and need to be taken extra care of, during this pandemic.

Ministry Advisory – DO’S & DON’TS for Senior Citizens

Do Stay indoors at all times, and avoid having any visitors at your home.

Don’t Come in close physical contact with a person showcasing symptoms of the Coronavirus infection, like coughing, runny nose, fever, or breathing difficulty. 

Do If you must remain in physical proximity to someone, maintain a distance of at least 1 meter.

Don’t Shake hands with or hug your friends who are not living in your household or showcasing symptoms of the infection.

Do Avoid all kinds of gatherings, big or small. If you live alone, seek help from neighbours who are healthy to get your essentials (groceries & medicines) for your home.

Don’t Go into crowded places like markets, stores, parks, or religious places.

Do – Stay active and keep moving around in the house for your day-to-day chores. Also, take some time out for light exercise or yoga.

Don’t Cut down on physical activities just because you cannot go out for a walk.

Do Practice good hygiene by washing hands frequently, using soap & water for a minimum of 20 seconds. This must be done especially before having meals and after using the bathroom.

Clean the surfaces & objects that you touch frequently, like your spectacles. Moreover, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue (which is disposed off immediately) or a handkerchief (which is washed after use).

Don’t Cough or sneeze into your bare hands, and touch your face, eyes or nose with it.

Do Eat home-cooked, fresh, and healthy food. Drink enough water and maintain a regular intake of fresh juices for stronger immunity. Also, take your daily prescribed dose of medication regularly.

Don’t Self-medicate.

Do Keep track of your health. If you face any medical issue or showcase any of the warning signs of COVID-19, consult a doctor immediately and follow the prescribed treatment.

Book a tele or video consultation with your doctor as far as possible, instead of leaving your house and visiting the hospital.  

Don’t Visit a hospital or any other healthcare facility for regular health checkup or follow up. 

Do Stay connected with your friends and family through voice & video calls. If required, take help from your family members for the same.

Don’t Invite and socialise with your friends and relatives at your home.

Those with pre-existing Kidney and Heart Diseases must ensure intake of enough water and keep themselves hydrated during the summer season.

Credihealth Recommends: Book a Tele/Video consultation with leading doctors in the country or talk to a Credihealth Medical Expert for further assistance.

Ministry Advisory – DO’S & DON’TS for Care-Givers of Dependent Senior Citizens

Do Cover your mouth & nose properly with a tissue/cloth/mask when attending to a senior citizen.

Don’t – Go near senior citizens if you are showcasing any of the symptoms like cough, fever, runny nose, or shortness of breath. 

Do Practice good hygiene and wash your hands with soap and water before helping the older person. 

Don’t Make physical contact with them without washing your hands.

Do Clean the surfaces and things that are frequently used, like the walking stick, walker, bedpan, wheel-chair, etc

Don’t Touch the surfaces used by them frequently, without washing your hands 

Do Help them wash their hands

Don’t Keep them bed-bound and with zero physical movement

Do Ensure they eat healthy food and drink enough water, especially now during the summer season

Keep track of their health. In case they begin to experience symptoms like fever (with/without body ache), cough, shortness of breath, unusual drop in appetite, or inability to eat, contact the helpline number.

Credihealth Recommends: In case of an emergency, book a tele/video consultation with a doctor or avail the Credihealth Ambulance Service.

Ministry Advisory – DO’S & DON’TS ON MENTAL WELLNESS for Senior Citizens

Do Talk to family members at home, and talk to your neighbours, without compromising on social distancing protocols.

Don’t Confine yourself in one room.

Do Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs to combat loneliness. Create a peaceful environment around yourself. Rekindle your old hobbies like music, reading, gardening, etc.

Don’t Isolate yourself.

Do Access and believe only the information that comes from credible sources.

Don’t Believe sensational news or social media posts, or share any information that is unverified and not coming from credible sources.

Do If you have an existing mental illness, call 08046110007

If you are feeling a change in your mental health, like feeling unusually drowsy, speaking inappropriately, or showcasing a lack of response, unable to recognise known people, call the helpline number.

Also, check – Mental Health During Coronavirus & Government Initiative

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